It takes change to embark on a journey towards marketing precision. We are talking about a small change; usually, it’s a side-step. Most business owners are on the right track but need the secret sauce to create genuinely impactful marketing.
Don’t get me wrong, they are not doing it badly; you could just be doing it better!

This is where Infokus Marketing’s Targeted Content Framework shines. This process is designed to tailor your marketing strategy with laser-focused accuracy, ensuring your content resonates with your target audience.

Business owners choose to undertake the Targeted Content Framework for several key reasons:

Infokus Marketing’s Strategic Approach

Discover the unique approach of Infokus Marketing, which combines the art of 20+ years of experience to understand the market and create an intuitive strategy with the backing and power of precision AI. This blend ensures that your marketing efforts are creative but also data-driven and results-oriented.

Personalised Strategy: 

The framework provides a tailored marketing strategy that aligns with their unique business objectives and target audience.

Increased Engagement: 

Businesses can create more relevant and engaging communication that resonates with their ideal clients by focusing on targeted content.

Time and Cost Efficiency: 

The structured approach of the framework streamlines marketing efforts, saving time and resources while maximising impact.

As we deal with engaged but time-poor business owners, our approach is efficient and intuitive and requires minimal time and commitment from owners. The steps include:

Sign Up

Book a 15-minute discovery call or request an email detailing the Targeted Content Framework process. This initial step sets the stage for a customised marketing approach.

Online Survey

Complete the Infokus Marketing Targeted Content Online Survey. This straightforward survey takes approximately 15–30 minutes and guides you through various aspects of your business, laying the groundwork for a targeted strategy.


Engage in a short telephone consultation to clarify and fine-tune any aspects of the online survey. This conversation helps us develop a comprehensive picture of your business and its unique marketing needs.

We Make The Magic Happen

Allow us 1-2 weeks to research and prepare your personalised Targeted Content Report. This report is the culmination of our findings and insights, crafted to provide you with a clear path forward.

Receive Your Report

You will receive your Targeted Content Report via email. After reviewing the report, we invite you to a further chat to clarify any points or aspects you may have questions about. This follow-up ensures you are fully equipped to implement your tailored marketing strategy.

Embarking on the Targeted Content Framework journey with Infokus Marketing is your first step towards marketing precision. With our expert guidance, you can navigate the complexities of content marketing and achieve impactful results that genuinely resonate with your audience.
For more information and to get started

Wondering if our Targeted Content Framework will help your business?

Take our Quiz to find out IF, and HOW this Report could help your business marketing.