AI-Powered Brand Setup.

Unlock the Full Potential of AI for Your Brand.

In today’s AI-driven market, your Brand Voice is your edge. Without a precise AI Brand Voice Guide, your AI-generated content risks getting lost in the noise. Stand out—make your brand’s voice unmistakable.

At Infokus Marketing, we recognise the critical importance of capturing and conveying your brand’s essence through AI. Our AI-Powered Brand Setup service ensures that your business’s AI Marketing Assistant is not only a tool for content creation but a true reflection of your brand’s identity, values, and voice.

As a daily user of AI Assistants, I’ve witnessed how this technology has not only doubled my output for clients but also significantly enhanced the quality of my work. The precision of my deliverables has improved, errors have plummeted, and the range of marketing collateral I can produce within tight deadlines has expanded dramatically.

Now I want to share it with you!

Find Out How This Could Work For You

Will Your Business Benefit From An AI-Powered Brand Voice Guide?

Who It’s For.

  • Business Owners: Entrepreneurs looking to maintain a consistent brand voice across all platforms while leveraging AI to streamline content creation.
  • AI-Users Who Want to Sound Authentic: Businesses using AI tools who want their automated content to reflect a unique, humanised brand voice, rather than sounding robotic or generic.
  • Marketing Teams: Professionals aiming to integrate AI into their marketing strategies while preserving a clear and distinct brand identity.
  • Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Companies wanting to stand out in competitive markets by ensuring their AI-generated content aligns with their business values and resonates with their audience.
  • Startups: Fast-growing businesses in need of efficient, scalable content solutions that still maintain the brand’s personal touch.
  • Personal Brands: Individuals like coaches, consultants, or influencers who want AI to generate content that reflects their personal tone and message.
  • Companies Scaling Content Production: Businesses producing large volumes of content that want to ensure consistency across every touchpoint.
  • Digital-First Businesses: Organisations that rely heavily on online communication and need a seamless brand voice across web, email, and social media.

Who It’s Not For.

  • Local, Offline Businesses: Companies that don’t rely on digital content creation or have minimal online presence may not see the value in an AI-powered voice guide.

  • Highly Personalised Customer Service Businesses: Businesses where human-to-human interaction is integral, and automated content might undermine the personal nature of their service.

  • Businesses with Frequent Rebranding: If a company frequently changes its branding or messaging, the guide may become obsolete too quickly to be useful.

  • Sole Proprietors with Minimal Content Needs: Individuals who produce very little content and don’t require the scalability and consistency that an AI-powered solution provides.

  • Those Uninterested in AI Integration: Companies or individuals who prefer entirely human-generated content without the support of AI tools.

Additional AI Integration Services.

Exclusive Bonuses.

Using Your AI Assistant.

Once you have customised your AI Assistant with your Brand Voice Guide you will be able to use ChatGPT to create a huge range of marketing collateral. Here are some ideas for you…

  • Social media posts
  • News Items

  • Blog articles

  • Sales pages

  • Video scripts
  • Webinar content

  • Lead magnets
  • Ad copy
  • Landing pages
  • Website content
  • Presentations
  • Product descriptions
  • Email campaigns
  • Case studies

  • Testimonials
  • FAQ sections

  • Podcast content

  • Newsletters
  • Press Releases
  • E-books
  • User guides

  • And so much more….

Make AI Your Marketing Co-Creator.

Step into the realm of high-impact, low-stress marketing. Picture a streamlined path that navigates through the marketing chaos, enhancing your audience reach without the need for additional resources or hefty expenses.

If your marketing tends to be pushed aside as you juggle countless tasks, consider this your personalised invitation to marketing clarity. Prepare for a smooth marketing journey where you’ll master a high-performance marketing and content engine that drives sustainable business growth.

Making A Difference To Business Owners

“The AIM Framework and AIM Report from Infokus Marketing just landed in our world, and wow, it feels like it was crafted just for us at Grantful! The relevance and precision are spot-on, and the report truly captures our essence and style, reaffirming our future comms strategy and showering us with brilliant ideas.”

Barbara Brangan, Grantful

Who Is The Driver Of AIM Framework

Hey! I’m Tanya Duncan.

As the founder and driving force behind Infokus Marketing and this AI-Powered Brand Setup, I have spent almost three decades passionately helping businesses unlock their full potential through strategic, cost-effective marketing. AI-powered marketing has revolutionised the field, and I am eager to share its benefits widely to help business owners overcome their marketing overwhelm.

With extensive experience in marketing and a deep understanding of connecting with ideal clients, I created the AI-Powered Brand Setup to simplify and supercharge your content creation process. My mission is to eliminate the stress from marketing by equipping you with the tools and insights needed to craft compelling messages that resonate with your audience.

Whether you’re a startup looking to establish your brand or an established business aiming to enhance your marketing efforts, the AI-Powered Brand Setup is designed to meet your needs and drive your success.

Join me on this journey, and let’s transform your marketing strategy together!

AI-Powered Brand Setup Legal Notice

The reproduction or distribution of any content from this website without explicit written permission from Infokus Marketing is strictly forbidden. This website operates independently and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or connected to OpenAI or ChatGPT, which are trademarks of their respective companies.

The marketing and branding strategies presented on this site are drawn from our own experiences and successes. These strategies may not be universally applicable, and we cannot guarantee similar outcomes for others. The effectiveness of these approaches depends on each individual’s unique business environment, market conditions, and personal capabilities.

Starting and managing a business involves inherent risks. It is your responsibility to perform thorough due diligence to ensure the safe and successful operation of your business. We do not make any assurances regarding your potential income and emphasise that your actions and their results are solely your responsibility. Infokus Marketing and its affiliates disclaim any liability for your business’s performance following the implementation of information obtained from this website. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee that all information is completely current or correct.

The content provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only and should not be seen as a replacement for professional legal, financial, tax, or business advice. Our products and services are designed as educational tools to help you understand branding and marketing strategies; they do not constitute an invitation to start a new business or a guarantee of business success.