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Digital Marketing Services
Fractional Marketing Manager
Digital Marketing
AI-Powered Brand Setup
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AI Powered Brand Setup Client Survey
Tanya Duncan
Company Information
Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Facebook Profile Link
LinkedIn Profile Link
Instagram Profile Link
Any other Social Media accounts
What are your brand colours? (List in #hex - web colour - if available)
What are your brand fonts?
Upload Your Logo and Brand Documentation (if available)
Choose File
Upload any Marketing Strategy, Content Pillars or Ideal Client Avatar Documentation (if available)
Choose File
Business Overview
Briefly describe your business.
What are your primary products or services? Please give details and list seperatly if relevant.
What emotions would you like to evoke in your clients?
Describe your ideal customers? (demographics, interests, age, gender)
What are your customers main pain points?
Do you have a 'catch phrase', 'connection statement' or 'tag line' that you use for your business? If so please include here.
Marketing Goals
What are your top four marketing objectives?
Increase brand awareness
Generate leads
Boost sales
Improve customer retention
Enhance online presence
Improve business message
Launch a new program / product / offer
Grow my database
Other (please speficy)
If Other, please list them here:
What makes up your current marketing efforts?
Content Marketing
Social Media
Email Marketing
Paid Advertising
Other (please specify)
Other, please specify your other marketing activities?
Are there any specific communication channels or social media platforms your are not using that you would like to add to your strategy?
Rate the effectiveness of your current marketing efforts on a scale of 1-5. (1 being low through to 5 being high)
What specific results are you looking to achieve through improved marketing?
Competitive Landscape
What are you main competitiors?
What sets your business apart from them?
Your Challenges & Solutions
What are the main challenges you're facing in your marketing efforts?
What solutions have you tried, and what were the outcomes?
Communication Styles
What style of language resonates with your audience?
How do you approach jargon and technical language?
Do you have words or phrases that are not appropriate to use in your business communication?
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